Today, 9 June 2021 the General Court of the European Union declared unlawful a notice of Open competition of the European Personnel Selection Office (“EPSO”), which is the recruitment office of the European Commission and of the European Union, because of breach of the rules related to multilingualism in the European Union.
The General Court then proceeded to annul the relevant decision of the relevant EU competition Selection Board. To reach such result the General Court of the European Union relied inter alia upon EC Regulation No. 1 of 1958 which was issued by the “founding fathers” of the European Union to protect multiculturalism and multilingualism in the European Union. The Grayston & Company team in the successful dispute at issue was composed of Avv. Davide Rovetta, Advocaat Giani. G. Pandey and Avv. Vincenzo Villante.
The ruling is available here: