Destination EU – Customs

Consistency-Minimise risk-Maximise benefits

We offer legal advice and assistance to companies on all aspects of EU customs law and procedures, including advice in EU Member States, through our growing network of national customs lawyers. We assist our clients to implement customs strategies in the EU and represent clients in both EU and national customs litigation whether administrative, before DG TAXUD or the national customs administration, or in national court proceedings (both civil and criminal proceedings) and the European Courts of Justice.

Our wide expertise covers:

  • Tariff classification
  • Customs valuation
  • Rules of origin
  • Managing 3P providers
  • Free trade and other preferential treatment arrangements including GSP and EU FTAs
  • Repayment and remission of customs duties
  • Import VAT and transfer pricing
  • Customs investigations, disputes and litigation
  • Criminal liability
  • EU-wide customs investigations involving OLAF.