The GCO Team - Meet the people

Senior Advisor on EU and EU Investment Arbitration law

Nikos Lavranos


Nikos Lavranos is a leading EU practitioner advising on EU law, international law and Investment Arbitration.

He has worked for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and for the Dutch Competition Authority – as Senior Trade Policy Advisor and European & International Strategy Advisor respectively.

He has achieved a leading status in the academic world – and is currently Guest Professor of EU law at the VUB Brussels. He is a leading specialist in Investment Arbitration and from this was the founder of EFILA (European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration).

He is on the panel of arbitrators for CIETAC, AIAC and Vienna International Arbitration Centre. He is also on the list of panel members for the Energy Community.

Nikos provides strength in depth to our EU law capabilities and also supports our trade and customs practice in the Netherlands. Nikos works in English Dutch and German.