The GCO Team - Meet the people

Danish qualified lawyer
30+ years of EU law experience

Peter Gjortler


Peter Gjortler is a Danish qualified lawyer who has practiced EU law for more than 30+ years in private practice, public administration, judicial service and universities.

His practice areas focus on free movement, competition, state aid, environment, public procurement, intellectual property, public international law, and private international law.

He advises not only private clients but also the public sector, including extensive assistance for government agencies in a number of central and eastern European countries, and also teaches at several European universities.

Apart from international law firms, his professional experience includes time spent at the Ministry of Justice, the High Court of Appeal, and the Legal Adviser to the Danish Government, as well as the European Court of Justice, the University of Copenhagen and Riga Graduate School of law.

Peter’s outside interests include military history and classical music.